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[作者:    時間:2005-3-7 8:08:18]


自從1989年英國皇家保險學會與中保集團在北京簽署協議在中國保險管理干部學院設立CII考試中心以來,已有13年的歷史。隨后, 又有北京、上海相繼成立了考試中心。隨著中國的保險市場進一步對外開放,越來越多的保險從業人員想學習國外的先進技術,越來越多的人想參加由英國皇家保險學會舉行的會員資格考試,以獲取更多的國際保險理論與保險實務以及相關的保險信息和保險技術,為提高我國保險行業的整體水平作貢獻。本文擬從CII考試的命題入手,透過CII考試試題這個窗口,對這種考試試題的布局以及如何迎接這種考試作一個簡要的分析,以便讓更多的人了解CII考試的這種考試的形式。
    CII考試的試題分為兩大部分:第一大部分為簡答題,第二大部分為論述題,(其中有些科目還包括計算題)。滿分為200分,其中,第一部分有8個小題,每小題10分,計80分;第二部分有6大題,任選其中的4小題,每題30分,計120分,兩部分加在一起共計200分。考試時間為180分鐘,全部用英語作答。我們以1995年4月份《合同法與保險》(Contract Law and Insurance)的部分試題為例,對之進行簡要的分析。
    我們先看簡答題部分, 其中有一道題是這樣的:請區分習慣法與衡平法。(Distinguish between common law and equity)  答案是:Common law is the underwriting, unwritten law and general legal customs of the country.It is in itself a complex system of law, both civil and criminal, although it is greatly modified and extended by statute law and equity. It has come down in the recorded judgment of the judges who for hundred of years have interpreted it. The judgments are adapted to the cause of doing justice between authoritative records, reports and textbooks.
    Despite the existence of such records, common law is still known  as’ unwritten law’ mainly to distinguish  it from  legislation, which  disembodied in statute or code. Common law consists of numerous more or less well-defined principles sufficiently flexible to be adapted to the cause of doing justice between the parties to a suit.
    Equity is the special system of law administered only in the Court of Chancery before 1875 but now administered by all courts.
    從這道題就可以看出,簡答題并不那么簡單,從字數上看,就有151多個單詞。但是,有的簡答題字數就比較少,這要看題目的具體情況而定。例如,有這么一道題:請指出3種必須采用書面形式的合同。(State three  contracts  whichmust be in writing)  答案是這樣的:Any  three of the following  examplescould be used:
    .bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes;
    .transfers of shares in a registered company;
    .some consumer credit transactions;
    .contracts of marine insurance;
    .contracts for the sale or other disposition of land;
    .transfers of ships.
    本道題列出了7種合同形式必須采用書面形式,但考生只要列出3種就可以等滿分,不用作別的附加解釋和說明。但是,有的簡答題不僅要列出要點,而且還要對要點進行必要的闡述或簡要的說明。例如,有這么一道題:請列出違反合同的主要補救辦法。(Outline the main remedies for breach of a contract)  答案是這樣的:There are four main remedies.
   Failure to perform a contract properly, or failure to perform at all, will generally amount to a breach. If the breach is sufficiently serious, the injured party will be entitled to rescind.
   If the situation can be adequately redressed by the payment of financial compensation to the injured party, this will generally be preferable to an attempted unraveling of the contract.
   .Specific performance
   If the plaintiff cannot be adequately compensated by an award of
damages, the  court  may  order  the  defendant  to  honor his contractual promise.
   Where a contract contains a negative undertaking, an injunction can be sought to prevent an action that would otherwise lead to a breach of contract.
     (Denise is a hairdresser and has allowed one of her customers  Ken, to run up a debt of£100 over a year. Ken has always intended to pay for his haircuts but because they are romantically linked, Denise is happy for Ken to defer payment.
     Ken is now in financial difficulties and tells Denise he is unable  to pay her the £100 he owes.
    Denise tells Ken she is happy to forgo the £100 altogether but  she then breaks up with Ken and discovers that Ken has taken his former wife Deirdre out for an expensive dinner.
    Advise Denise whether she is legally entitled to the £100 Ken  owes her.)
    The main points upon which candidates were expected to focus as follows:
    Whether this was a social and domestic agreement, whether there was an intention to create legal relations and the implications of this.
    Despite being romantically linked,   in the absence of specific evidence to the contrary, the contract between Denise and Ken is likely to be legally enforceable.
    For a party to be released from his contractual obligations he must provide fresh consideration (satisfaction) in return for the other party’s agreement to release him. (accord)-Pinnel's case (1602).
    As Ken has provided no consideration in return for Denise forgoing the debt, Denise can still require Ken to pay the full amount of the debt. Ken is unlikely to be able to rely on the defense of promissory estoppel. Central London Property Trust v High Trees House (1947).
    根據以上的參考答案我們可以看出: 命題者的意圖是讓考生用學到的法律知識以及合同的要求運用于實際中去,這里面有一些合同法中要掌握的東西,如consideration和contractual obligations 以及promissory estoppels 等。
    (B)海德醫生(Dr Hyde)同大衛(David)簽署合同,給他動手術;
   答案是:Specific performance will not be awarded where the plaintiff can be adequately compensated by an award of damages.
    The remedy will not be awarded in the following circumstances:
    .contracts for the sale of goods;
    .contracts of personal service;
    .where it would cause undue hardship to the defendant (for instance, where the cost would be out of all proportion to the benefit to the plantiff);
    .where the court could not adequately supervise the performance: specific enforcement of contracts to build has been refused for this reason.
    .where the contract is not supported by consideration (even thought may have been made under seal);
    .where the court cannot ensure that the other party will also honor his promise, because that party's own obligations have not yet been fulfilled and could not in turn be enforced by specific performance .Thus a defendant could not be compelled to convey a house to a plaintiff who had promised to sign in a series of concerts by way of payment, since performance of personal   services cannot be specifically enforced. There must be `mutuality of remedy';
    .where there has been undue delay on the part of the plaintiff in seeking the remedy;
    .where the plaintiff, although within his strict legal rights, has acted unfairly (a qualification which applies to all equitable remedies). Applying the above principles:
    (A) Every piece of real property is in a sense unique and therefore specific performance is commonly awarded to enforce contracts for the sale of land. A court will generally not award specific performance of a building contract but if the contract is sufficiently precise in defining the work to be done, damages are inadequate and if McDonalds are in possession of the land on which the house is to be built, then specific performance may be ordered.
    (B) As Dr. Hyde's duty is one of personal services, it cannot be specifically performanced as the court is incapable of supervising it.
    (C) Lan cannot obtain specific performance because:
        contracts by minors to borrow money are void;
        Even if the contract was enforceable, damages would be an adequate remedy.
     在上面已提到了簡答題部分為80分,論述題部分為120分,滿分為200分。合格分數線為120分。但是英國CII判卷的時候,只根據判卷分數劃定一個等級, 這與我們國內高等院校判卷與評分不太一樣。 其等級有6種, D=優秀,P=及格,X=不及格,但離及格只有10分之內之差,Y=不及格,離及格還差10多分,Z=不及格,離及格還差很大一部分分數,U=沒有給分,不到15分,H=分數有待咨詢,A=缺考,W=棄考。但X等級說明只差5-10分左右, 如果考生某一科目得了一個X等級,可以查分,但要交納20多英鎊,如果幸運的話,能得到P等級,不幸運的話,還是不能得到通過,而且所交納的查詢費也不退。
    三是背誦一些概念題或名詞解釋題。不管是國內國外的資格考試,都會有一些名詞解釋題,對于這些題目沒有別的捷徑可走,只有靠背誦或記憶才能解決。如《合同法與保險》這一科來說,常用的概念要掌握,而且能夠背誦。 如proximate cause, insurable interest, contribution, indemnity, subrogation等等。
    四是相互交流。考生在考試之前的15-20天的時間集中在考試中心復習, 這時考生可利用這段時間同參加同類科目考試的考生一起學習與交流,討論在學習中遇到的問題。通過學習與交流,能達到解決問題的目的。當然,每個人都有一套自己的學習方法,不論采用何種方法,只要能夠學好,能順利通過考試,這才是真正的目的。
(CII* The Chartered Insurance Institute.)


 【打印文章】        【關閉窗口

關于圈中人保險網】圈中人保險網創辦于2000年3月,是保險行業資源門戶網站,在行業具有較高的知名度和品牌影響力。2005年,圈中人保險網作為唯一的保險類專業資深網站,躋身中國十大熱門金融學習網站。圈中人保險網共設36個版塊和欄目,內容齊全,數據權威,更新速度快。網站開辟VIP會員瀏覽專區。您成為本站會員后,可以以會員身份瀏覽會員中心的 【保險論文】 【保險營銷】 【保險條款】 【保險案例】 【保險考試】 【保險實務】 【保險費率】 【專題論壇】 【保險數據】 【風險管理】 【保險產品】 【保險方案】 【保險報告】 【保險名錄】等版塊內容及下載會員資料。


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